- Get DVD conversion software that works for you. None of it is perfect. Some AVI to DVD conversion programs might be intuitive and easy for you, but someone else may hate them and vice versa. The best way to find the right DVD conversion software is to download several evaluation copies, try them, and then buy the one that works best for you. One fantastic program is Convert Genius; this program is excellent because it allows you to work with multiple formats, not just AVI. However, I cannot tell you what DVD conversion software will work for you. I can only point out some likely starting places. Do a search online to explore some of the options. Here are some other titles: Adobe Premier (and Premier Elements), Magix, Nero, Pinnacle, and Roxio Easy Media Creator. I have personally tried these. I love some, and I hate some. Get recommendations from tech-savvy friends, relatives and fellow employees. You can get a free trial and decide for yourself. Do NOT go out and plop down $100 or more for the full AVI to DVD video conversion program just to try it. Once spent, that money is gone. You very likely cannot get your money back later if you decide you don't like the video conversion software.
- Some evaluation versions of AVI to DVD are cripple-ware. Cripple-ware means that some functionality is disabled, so you can't tell whether the real thing fully works or not. Burning less than 100% of the movie to DVD is a common way to cripple a trial version. Other DVD conversion software trials expire after a short time or a limited number of uses. In a trial, expect something that has less usefulness than the full copy, but not so little that you cannot get a good evaluation. Some video conversion programs have no evaluation version. Consider these last, if at all.
- Try some AVI to DVD video editing standard features. Most programs will lay out a timeline and then let you open up and drag media files (movies, sound files, etc.) to a timeline where you can string pieces together to create your own movie. The video conversion software should let you trim elements, overlap them, fade in and out and do other transitions, adjust sound levels, and then add chapter marks so you can jump to specific spots in the final DVD you burn, just like you can with a commercial DVD. Do you plan to put some still pictures in the .AVI movie you will burn to DVD? If so, please be aware that not all the software listed will do that. Does the program accommodate AVIs? If not, don't buy it. Does it handle MPG and other common formats? If not, don't bother. Do you run Windows XP? At least one program listed above requires XP. You cannot use it at all on Windows 2000.
- Look at three things: ease of use, features, and price. If an AVI to DVD conversion program is so complex and difficult that you will never learn it well enough to actually produce anything useful, it's the wrong video editing software for you. Whatever you choose must, at minimum, have the critical features you need for your movie. If you do not intend to become an expert at creating movies, you may not need too many features. But if you cannot string together all the things you want in your movie, you should find another video conversion program. And if you would never be able to afford the video editing program, it is the wrong program for you. If this is your first attempt at burning a DVD, don't spend too much. You don't even know if you will like making your own movies. I enjoy it, but you may find it to be drudgery, and you may never use the program again.
- Eliminate the AVI converter programs that are wrong for you, and you hopefully have a few (or at least one) AVI to DVD programs left. Choose the best balance of features and ease of use that you can afford. That is your program.
- A word of caution: some video converter programs do a poor job of keeping picture and sound synchronized. Your movie may start out looking and sounding good, but by the time you string a significant number of large elements together, there will be a delay between picture and sound. Your movie will look like some poorly dubbed B-grade foreign flick. Also, make sure the DVD you create will actually play in a DVD player, not just in your computer.
- I really need to point out some cool AVI converter freeware. Download and use VirtualDubMod. It is currently at SourceForge.net. Find it with a Web search. It is a free editor that can trim your movies, clean up the sound, enhance the picture, and convert to different formats. It is not the easiest thing, and you may need to go find some CODECs (Coder-Decoders) to be able to edit the particular movie format you have, but it is very powerful. And again, it is free. It may provide some features that your movie-editing program lacks.
- I caution you one last time to be careful that you don't get ripped off. I certainly have been, and I thought I was being careful. Buy the best program you can afford.
Aug 6, 2011
Tips To Convert AVI to DVD: Find Video Converter Software
Tips to Choose a Web Design Agency to Build Your eCommerce Site
There are a few things which you need to check before signing a contract and handing over a deposit—especially if you are building an eCommerce site. Below are some of the key points to check before deciding which design agency to use.
Check the agency’s design portfolio.
Whenever you’re choosing a web design company, make sure you check that they have actually worked on similar projects in the past. You don’t want to be an inexperienced designers “guinea pig.” It’s a situation that too often leads to disappointing results, unfinished sites or incomplete projects.
Choosing a web design agency with the right experience is especially important when you’re looking for an eCommerce provider. Don’t fall into the trap of using a “design” agency when what you really need is a development company. eCommerce sites are very technology-heavy with complex coding and specialized systems, so you need an agency that understands the potential problems that come with this type of site.
To avoid hiring a designer to do a developer’s job, check an agencies portfolio to ensure it has many examples of functional/tech-heavy websites and not just logos, flyers and print design.
Ask whether the web design agency will be building a website or customizing a template.
When choosing a web company, be sure to check whether they build from scratch or customize templates. There is a big price difference! Cheaper solutions usually use free, out of the box software packages and design templates in order to allow them to quickly create a site. More expensive design bids are usually from companies offering custom software designed exclusively for your needs. Neither solution is “right” or “wrong.” It will depend entirely on your needs, but you definitely want to know what you are buying. You don’t want to end up paying for custom when what you’re really getting is customization.
Check that the design agency is big enough to cope with the work.
Find out if the company has a technical team or is a one-man shop. Many web ‘companies’ actually only consist of one designer and one developer. Over the years there have been many scenarios where the only technical contact at the company has left leaving all clients stranded. The other reason to know the true size of the staff is to ensure that your website will be built by the designer and not sent out to someone else.
Check that the design work is carried out in-house rather than outsourced.
Be wary of a false sales pitch with nothing to back it up. There are lots of ‘middle men’ in this industry and agencies who can outsource the entire project. Don’t fall for a slick PowerPoint presentation! Make sure you meet members of the team and if possible go visit your developer’s office to see exactly who you are commissioning to do your project. Quite often those who outsource a project overseas will be reluctant for you to visit their office and meet the team.
Although there are many pitfalls when choosing a company to build you an eCommerce website, if you get it right then the benefits are great. Making the right choice can lead to success, low overheads and a website to be proud of. So when choosing which company to use, remember the checklist above and ensure that you ‘do it once – do it right’.
Social Media,
Tuorials To Write a Letter of Intent: Template, Example
Writing a letter of intent is similar to writing a cover letter for your resume - so similar, in fact. However, letters of intent are geared more toward student programs or entry-level positions.
As a student, you have probably spent a great deal of time researching the schools and programs that interest you. Once you have narrowed down your choices to the ones that you believe fit you the best, it's time to introduce your best self to the right people. That's where the letter of intent comes in.
So how do you write a letter of intent? Here is a basic letter of intent template:
- Determine the name and address of the right person to receive the letter. You don't want to address the letter to "Department Head" or worse yet, "To Whom it May Concern." Unless the letter is directly addressed to the right person, it's not likely to get read by that person. A quick phone call to the institution or place of business can usually get you the information you need.
- Write the letter using the proper business format. This is not a casual, friendly letter. It needs to look professional. Use a simple font such as Times New Roman or Arial.
- Introduce yourself in the first paragraph of the letter. Include what year you are in school, what school you currently attend, and any information that is pertinent. For example, if you are writing to the basketball department of a school, it would be appropriate to mention that you are the captain of your high school basketball team.
- Next, describe why you are writing the letter. Describe how you first learned about the school or program, and how you became excited about it.
Design Creative Holiday Gifts for Your Clients
Just one note of caution: Don’t fall into the trap of “promotional gifts.” Nobody wants to receive a gift that is an obvious gimmick. Steer clear of the cheap and cheesy. This means: No refrigerator magnets; No desk calendars with your logo on the front; and by all means, please, no plastic letter openers. These things aren’t gifts they’re marketing. I’m not saying that promotional gifts don’t have their place, we all love free schwag, but holiday gifts shouldn’t scream “Look at me!”
Instead, give your clients something that shows how creative you can be without looking like an advertisement—in other words, something they’ll appreciate that won’t wind up in the garbage the minute after they open it. Here are some unique gift ideas for clients to spark your imagination.
Design a Gift Card for Your Clients
There are many companies now that make gift cards for small businesses. Talk to one and strike a deal. Instead of giving a gift card for your services, buy a batch of gift cards to a local coffee shop or bakery on the condition that you can design a custom card. This gives you a chance to show off your design work, while still giving your client something personal that they can enjoy that is not business related. Score double-points if you have a client that offers local gift cards.
Limited Edition T-Shirts — Without Your Logo
Just about everyone likes t-shirts. Not everyone, likes t-shirts with your logo. Instead, show off your design skills by making a kick-ass t-shirt that has nothing to do with your company. Make it an annual tradition and long-term clients will get to “collect them all.” Make a few extras and store them for the future. Then, in a few years you can have a contest and give away the “entire collection” of limited edition shirts. If you have a team, consider having each artist create a design and let your clients vote online during the month of December. Then, give the shirts away as New Year’s gifts.
Give Your Client a Gift Of the Month
Of-the-month clubs are a great way to give a personalized and unique gift. This is an especially good gift idea for office environments because it’s something that everyone can enjoy together. If your client is a foodie, give them a subscription to receive a different bottle of gourmet olive oil every month. Best yet, because of-the-month gift clubs can last anywhere from three months to a year, your client will be reminded of your generosity long after the holiday season is over. To get the most impact with maximum value choose a “seasonal” gift club that is delivered quarterly. It’s still a year’s worth of gifts, but less costly than a 12-month subscription.
Give it to Charity
Offer your client a service they will really appreciate by offering a pro bono design to the charity of their choice. Many people have a charity that is close to their heart, and almost all charities need design work. Keep it small and set parameters if you plan on offering this gift to multiple clients. Something simple like a free business card design, or a free event flyer with up to 4 hours of design work. You may even be able to team up with a local printer to include the printing for up to a certain amount.
Another option is to “give big”, but offer the gift to one charity. Make it a game which only your current clients can enter. Let clients submit suggestions or creative briefs then choose one lucky winner to receive a free design. If you decide to “give big,” don’t miss out on the opportunity for free publicity. Issue a press release announcing the winner, and another when the job is complete. Be sure to give credit to any partners—such as the printer or the client who nominated the charity.
Corporate Gifting: To Give or Not to Give
For many freelance designers and small agencies, the decision of whether to give gifts to clients comes down to cost—especially when the economy is slow. However, when it comes to gift-giving you have something going for you that is rare in the corporate world. Creativity! Have a glass of mulled cider and let the creative juices start flowing. Chances are, you can brainstorm a couple of creative gift ideas for your clients that don’t cost too much. The return on investment is invaluable. You’ll generate goodwill and be top of mind when your client sits down to make the marketing budget for next year.
With a little creativity, you can offer something to your clients that they’ll remember for years to come – which means they will also remember you. What are the most creative gift ideas that you have seen or given to clients over the years?
Tutorials To Read Sheet Music
If you want to learn how to read music, then you have come to the right place. The following article contains a guide that will teach you how to read sheet music as well as lists resources you can use to learn more about music, in general.
If you want to learn more -- and in one night, no less -- here's a recommendation: Learn to Read Music In One Evening. Who doesn't want instant gratification? If you prefer video music lessons, which can be extremely helpful when learning to read music, I strongly recommend Music Master Pro.
- The structure of sheet music. Sheet music is set up with a specific structure. The staff of the sheet music is made up of everything you will need to be able to read music. Depending on a variety of factors, the staff will tell you exactly what notes you will need to play. The first thing you need to do is be able to identify the staff.
- What is the staff? The staff is a set of five lines and four spaces. Each space and line has the name of a note. On the staff, you will find notes, a time signature, a clef sign, a key signature, and various markings that will affect the tempo and pitch of each note. All of these things work together to create the music that is played or sung.
- What are clefs and why do we use them? Based on what instrument you play - piano, guitar (acounstic or bass), violin, trombone, you name it - or what voice you sing (tenor, bass, alto, soprano, etc.) your music will be written in one of two clefs (treble clef&bass clef). These clefs are used to let you know what octave you are playing the notes in, as well as what notes will be played.
- The treble clef - The treble clef is used for most musical voices including soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, and tenor. It is also used for the higher pitched instruments such as the alto clarinet, the B-Flat clarinet, the flute, oboe, violin and trumpet. The treble clef can be memorized by the following acronyms. Lines - Every Good Boy Does FineSpaces - F A C E
- The bass clef - The bass clef is used for the bass and baritone voices and lower instruments such as the tuba, trombone, and sousaphone. The bass clef was created because the notes for these lower instruments would be so low beneath the Treble Clef staff it would be very hard to write music that was easy for players to read. The bass clef notes can be memorized by:Lines -Good Boys Do Fine AlwaysSpaces - All Cows Eat Grass
- The treble clef - The treble clef is used for most musical voices including soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, and tenor. It is also used for the higher pitched instruments such as the alto clarinet, the B-Flat clarinet, the flute, oboe, violin and trumpet. The treble clef can be memorized by the following acronyms.
- The key signature: Some notes are flat, some are natural, and some are sharp. Which notes are sharp, flat, or natural will be marked either next to individual notes if they are played as such one or two times through a piece or in something called the key signature if they are played as such throughout the entire piece.
The key signature is located directly to the right of the clef sign. Which notes are sharp or flat depend on scales and keys. To learn more about the various key signatures you can check out the following website: http://cnx.org/content/m10881/latest/ - The time signature: Near the beginning of the staff, there is a symbol marking, or a fraction. This tells how many notes per measure will be played. The staff is split up into measures. Each measure is separated by a vertical line. The standard key signature is 4/4 time. It is usually denoted by a large black C.
- Notes, notes, and more notes. The fundamental structure of each pitch is denoted by a music note. There are plenty of things you need to know about a note before you can play or sing music. The most common things you will need to know is how long to hold each note, whether the note is sharp, natural, or flat, and what the name of each note is so it can be played.
- Name that note: Notes have a letter name from A-G. Once a note gets to G, it starts over again at A. Notes from A to A, B to B, C to C, and so on denote one whole octave. Octaves can move up or down, and the standard singer has between two and four octaves their voice can sing comfortably.
- Hold the note as long as you can! It would be difficult for an orchestra to make music together if they did not know how long to hold each note. Each instrument would go off on their own beat or melody, and nothing would come together properly. This is why it is so important you know what each note looks like and how long you are supposed to hold the note based on how they look.
Whole notes, half notes, and quarter notes are common in sheet music. There are other types of notes though these are less common. The notes work together with the time signature to determine how many beats per measure should be held. The standard hold for each note is written with the time signature of 4/4 in mind. However, as time signatures change, how long you hold the note will change, as well. - All those funny symbols. There are many different symbols throughout sheet music. Every symbol is important. Based on what symbol you are looking at you may need to play notes or the musical piece in general faster or slower, bars should be repeated, notes should be held, or the music should get louder or quieter.
- Tempo changes. The changes in tempo are denoted by a symbol for an Italian word. Here is a list and pictures of the various tempo changes music can experience: http://www.music.vt.edu/musicdictionary/appendix/tempo/tempo2.html
- Volume changes. Changes in volume help to improve the mood of the piece. Not every piece of music is sung or played as loud as the person can sing. Changes in volume help to make the music more enjoyable and dramatic so works are not stagnant in tone. Here is a list of the following volume changes as well as pictures of their symbols: http://www.music.vt.edu/musicdictionary/appendix/dynamics/dynamics.html
- Other symbols - There are many other symbols such as holds, ties, crescendo marks, repeats, rests, and so much more. Depending on how long you have studied music you may or may not know what these symbols mean.
Check out Virginia Tech's music dictionary for an explanation of all of the terms and symbols that are necessary to know if you plan to read sheet music: http://www.music.vt.edu/musicdictionary/ - Pianos do things differently. Pianos are unique in the fact that they are one of the few instruments which use both the treble clef and the bass clef at the same time. While a clarinet player only needs to know the treble clef to play and a bass only needs to know the bass clef to sing, pianists need to know both if they wish to learn piano and excel at their craft.
- Learn from a professional - Take music lessons. If you wish to become a singer or musician, you must learn how to read sheet music in music lessons. Solid music education is immensely helpful in learning to play guitar, piano, oboe, violin or any instrument. A professional has been trained to the point where it is second nature to read music, and all the various instrumentation markings that are listed in the music.
- Study on your own. The Internet has given you the opportunity to learn how to read sheet music on your own. Many online music sites and music software programs go more in depth than this article has. It takes musicians years to learn everything they need to know about sheet music and even then it is a constantly evolving process. If you are serious about learning how to read music and play the instrument of your choice, check out the following music sites:
Other common time signatures are 2/2 time (cut time), 2/4 time, 3/4 time, and 6/8 time. The time signature is written after the key signature, but before any notes on the staff.
The left hand of a pianist is used to play the notes on the bass clef of piano sheet music. The right hand of a pianist is used to play the notes on the treble clef of the piano sheet music. One of the hardest parts of playing the piano is learning to read both clefs and play them at the same exact time since piano music is written in such a way that both hands are used to play at the same time. This takes quite a bit of practice until a pianist can truly get the hang of it.
There are many different places you can take music lessons. Your local College or University should be able to offer non-student music education to those who are willing to pay for it. Usually, these music lessons cost upwards of $20 per half an hour lesson. You may also know someone in your area that is interested in giving you lessons at a lower rate.
To find a musical professional in your area you can check out: http://www.musicstaff.com
Learning how to read sheet music should be fun. However, it is also requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Nobody said learning to play piano is easy or learning guitar chords is a piece of cake. It all requires patience and practice. However, with the right motivation, it will be worth it and you will soon be playing, singing, or even learning to compose sheet music of your own. Taking music lessons and/or buying music software is money well-invested.
9 Email Designs for Content-Heavy Newsletters
The challenge for this email campaign is to create a template that can accommodate between 4 and 8 articles with photos and summaries, a spot for advertising, branding options and of course space for all the “required” information to be can-spam compliant. Oh yeah, the content all needs to fit together elegantly and encourage users to take action by visiting the site, bookmarking an article, etc. What’s the best way to fit that much information in an email and keep it organized?
I went looking for inspiration on Emailium, and found a collection of content-heavy email designs proving that it is indeed possible to fit a mountain of information into a document no more than 600 pixels wide. Want to be inspired, too? Check out this list of email designs for content-heavy newsletters and publishing sites.
Email Design Ideas for Publishing Websites
I think what I found most amazing about these email designs is that, for the most part, they look like mini-sites—complete with top-level navigation. It’s great for branding and also gives the user more opportunities to click-through to the website.
Email Looks Like Its Website
The Bang repeats the same trendy look from the website in the email newsletters they send to subscribers. This is a good example of carrying branding through all aspects of a site design. It’s also a way to re-use resources which is good for site owners on a budget as it usually takes less time (ie: billable hours) to resize a design that to create something new from scratch.
Email Design With Layers of Content
Sky News establishes a hierarchy of information by arranging stories in layers with featured content on top. Again, this email layout is one often favored by content-heavy websites and online magazines.
News Layout With a Dark Background
ShowBiz (another sky.com property) features something rarely seen in email campaigns with lots of content—a dark background. Although not recommended for text-heavy webpages or email layouts, it works for this template because the email relies on photos with very little text.
Email Design With Room for Ads
MotocycleUSA created an email template using two columns with space for featured content and advertisements.
A Two-Column Email Layout for Featured Content
MOMA’s email layout features a large feature photo to let users know which content is most important. The secondary column in this design is narrow enough not to be distracting, but wide enough to keep the text legible.
Email Design Lets Photos Tell the Story
With a focus on entertainment and shopping, it’s no wonder that InStyle lets photos do most of the work. What really works well in this design is the extra white space which gives the layout a magazine feel so that the content doesn’t appear cramped.
Email Design Puts the Focus on Text
Trading Market knows their audience. By putting the focus on the text, they’ved designed an email that will be easy to read across most browsers, email programs and on smart phones—great for business people on the go.
Simple Email Design That’s Easy on the Eyes
Wolfgang’s Vault is easy on the eyes, as my dad used to say. One-column designs run the danger of feeling static, but this layout ads interest with square photos, reminiscent of album covers and perfect for a concert-themed website.
Traditional Email Newsletter That Still Looks Fresh
The Edenews eNewsletter uses the same layout as many email templates that come “free” from your email service provider. It’s a predictable two-column layout with articles on one side and short blurbs on the other. Yet, it doesn’t look stale or outdated. With a strong header and eye-catching navigation, Edenews has managed to keep the look fresh while including lots of content to tantalize their readers.
How ToTutorials and Tips to Make Your Computer Faster: Registry Cleaner, Improving PC Performance
Yes. There are many slow computer solutions available to help your machine run faster. From basic housekeeping to increasing your RAM, these computer tips and tricks will help you learn how to make your computer faster.
Do Some Housekeeping
Whether you have a Mac, a PC, or even a Linux box, if you haven't done regular maintenance since you got your computer, there likely are a lot of simple things you can do to increase computer speed.
“If your PC is running slow,” says PC and security expert Robert McMillan, who has written about computer technology (including ways to speed up a computer) since 1996, “uninstall apps that you're not using. See what's running in the background and remove it if you don't need it. Think about uninstalling Java. That's a major resource hog, and often a big security risk too.” So if you’re asking yourself, “How can you speed up your computer?” assess all the unnecessary programs you have running when your computer gets started.
Don’t worry about spending a lot of money because you can learn how to speed up a PC for free. There are plenty of free and built-in utilities for Windows housekeeping if your computer is running slow. Startup Delayer, a free download at http://download.cnet.com/Startup-Delayer/3000-2344_4-10068235.html?tag=mncol;txt, delays programs that may be bogging down your startup time. If you find programs you never use—useless or unwanted stuff bloating your system—it’s always a good idea to uninstall it for good to get a faster computer (Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs).
For the programs you decide to keep, Startup Delayer staggers their launch time so that your computer is faster when it starts. The selected programs run in the background after your machine is already booted, giving you a faster PC. It also lets you easily remove programs entirely from startup (without deleting them from your system). If your computer is running slow, keep in mind that many programs launch by default at startup so that they can constantly scan the Internet for updates, which is not necessarily something you want them to do.
On Windows machines, there are also built-in utilities to make a PC faster. Disk Cleanup can speed up your PC by getting rid of clutter. All those temporary Internet and Windows files, downloads you no longer need and trash you never empty all make your computer run slower. Disk Defragmenter consolidates chopped up files on your computer's hard drive, to make your computer run faster.
In general, Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools will take you to these tools to fix a slow computer. Microsoft offers detailed online instructions on using these and other potentially speed-enhancing utilities to make a computer run faster—no matter what versions of Windows you’re using. For more information about how to make your PC faster for free, check out http://www.microsoft.com/atwork/maintenance/speed.aspx.
In your search for how to make your computer faster, you may have come across many online sources for what are known as registry cleaners. Unfortunately, a lot of these products are bogus programs that cost money and can actually damage your computer rather than making a computer faster. Microsoft itself has sued several producers of this so-called “scareware” to get them out of the marketplace, but many simply reappear under a different name. A registry cleaner purports to be a tool for inspecting and repairing the Windows registry—all of these tools are marketed to Windows users—and typically targets users by preying on their vulnerability. (They may have ads saying, “Are you wondering, ‘How can I make my computer faster?’ Let us fix your slow computer for free!”) Another typical tactic is persistent popups claiming to help make your PC faster. These popups may appear even on legitimate sites, and almost invariably contain alarming messages about your computer running slow or needing repairs. Back away from them by shutting down your browser—Alt F4 will close it—if necessary. Do NOT click on these popups. They will most likely harm your computer rather than improve PC performance.
Not all registry cleaners are bogus, but they should all be approached with extreme caution, and ONLY downloaded from trusted sites. “Some are legitimate,” says Robert McMillan,” but they're kind of like diet pills. They promise you a quick fix for something that often cannot be quickly fixed.” Tinkering with your Windows registry (whether to make your computer faster or for some other reason) is inherently dangerous—you can cause serious damage. If you want to know how to fix a slow computer, it’s not something to be attempted by a beginner. A legitimate (and free) registry tool, such as CCleaner (http://download.cnet.com/ccleaner/) also offers other utilities which may make a computer run faster (including getting rid of temporary files and managing startup options).
Tools for Mac and Linux
If you don’t own a PC, you may be asking, “How can I make my Mac computer faster?” Don’t worry; there are ways to speed up your computer for free if it’s a Mac, too. When it comes to Macs, many people get in the bad habit of leaving their Macs in sleep mode because it is so easy to do. Macs are hard-wired to run cleanup maintenance scripts in the early morning—but if they are always asleep or shut down, the scripts don't run, which can create a backlog of junk that can lead to slow computer problems. If you're fairly savvy at using the Terminal prompt you can run these scripts manually which may help you speed up your computer. You can find the instructions here: http://www.thexlab.com/faqs/maintscripts.html. Better yet, a free utility like Onyx will help make your computer run faster.
Onyx also assists with other cleanup, maintenance and optimization tasks, including showing you what programs you're actually starting up every time you turn on your computer which can help you identify where to start to fix a slow running computer. (Again, you may be loading things into memory that you never use.) The Onyx site (http://www.titanium.free.fr/index.php) offers downloads for most recent Mac software and hardware configurations, including Snow Leopard, Leopard, Tiger, Panther and even Jaguar.
For Linux machines, a free computer speed-up program (well, almost all Linux programs are free) called kleansweep assists in removing unnecessary files that may be taking up space and draining system resources. To fix a slow computer with kleansweep, check out http://www.softpedia.com/reviews/linux/KleanSweep-Review-38406.shtml. A program called PreLoad (http://sourceforge.net/projects/preload/) can also help a slow computer run faster because it improves overall performance on Linux machines, putting unused RAM to use.
Streamlined software alternatives can also make your Linux computer faster. If you only need basic word processing, don't use OpenOffice with its many features. A program with a smaller footprint like Koffice (http://www.koffice.org/) will be snappier and keep your computer running faster. If you’re wondering how to make your Internet faster, Opera is lighter weight than Firefox. If you're running Ubuntu (a popular version of Linux) you can speed up your boot time by fine-tuning the process with Boot-up-Manager, available for download at linux.com (http://www.linux.com/directory/Software/Boot-Up-Manager/details).
Use Common Sense
When you ask yourself how to make my computer faster, there are some basic actions you can take. Here are some of the simplest and easiest tips for slow computer troubleshooting. If you have ten programs open, you're going to be sucking a lot of resources from your CPU, causing it to run slowly. If you're not using a program—close it. The same goes for having many windows open in your web browser, or having many photos open at once in a program like PhotoShop.
I have to confess that this is one of my own worst habits. When learning how to make a computer faster, you should also learn to check your available memory. Just for fun you can press CTL-ALT-DEL on your Windows machine, then click the performance tab, and view available memory. Open a couple of basic programs—word processing software, say, and a web browser—then open PhotoShop (or another memory-intensive program) and open six or seven of those beautiful pictures you took on vacation, and watch what happens to your CPU usage and your available memory. Now you can see why your computer is running slow.
MenuMeters (http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/10451/menumeters), a free program for Mac, is a nifty little tool that supplies CPU and activity monitoring. It can clean your Mac and is thereby free software to speed up your computer. While there are other ways to clean a Mac to make it run faster, MenuMeters is a popular little add-on.
If you have a lot of large files—a video, photo or extensive music collection, for example—consider keeping them on a separate drive so your computer can run faster. When learning how to make a computer faster, keep in mind that your operating system—Mac, PC or anything else—will slow significantly if it's on a drive with little available free space. You can fix computer slow downs by using external hard drives. When buying a separate external drive, it will be worth it to spend a little bit extra and get a faster drive (7200 vs 5400 on a Mac, for example). Keep your machine updated—whatever your OS is—because this will assure that you're getting the latest updates, security patches and bug fixes which may help speed up a slow computer.
Spyware and Malware
One of the best things you can do to learn how to make a computer faster is to guard against malware, which comes in so many constantly evolving variations that it's all but impossible to keep up with.
Viruses, scareware, trojans, bots, rootkits, worms, spyware, adware—it’s all bad junk, and professionals call it malware (malicious software). Malware can help slow a computer down. For a home user, the course of transmission is through the Internet—whether by clicking a link in an infected e-mail, being attacked through a browser vulnerability, or simply visiting a malicious Web site. Unfortunately for Windows users, they have always been the primary targets of malicious software.
“The vast majority of malicious activity today targets Windows PCs, so Mac and Linux users can rightfully feel a sense of security superiority when they're on the Internet,” says Robert McMillan. “It takes time to write these computer attacks, and if the bad guys feel they'll get a lot more victims by writing something that works on Windows XP, then that's what they're going to do. That said, we're seeing some interest in the Mac platform these days. There are a few Mac Trojan horse programs out there, but they're currently not much of a threat. However, if Apple's market share keeps growing, it's only a matter of time before Mac users really start getting hit, too.” So it’s not just PC users who have to worry about how to fix a slow computer that’s caused by malware.
While malware can do tremendous damage to entire systems as it spreads, one of the likeliest and most visible consequences to an unwitting home user may be aggravating slow downs. Not only do you want to get rid of the malware, but you also want to learn how to make a computer run faster.
If the previously mentioned ways to speed up your computer don’t work, fortunately there are many quality anti-virus programs available to help your computer run more quickly.
Writer and author Neil Rubenking is an Advisory Board member for the Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization. He writes regularly for PC Magazine, and his recent article (http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2372364,00.asp) ranks the current selection of free and paid anti-malware programs available for Windows users to help you learn how to make a PC faster. On the list are a range of choices for both cleanup and prevention. “A product should do both,” says Rubenking.
There are companies that now make anti-virus and anti-spyware products for Macs that can repair a slow computer. Sophos (www.sophos.com) is one of them; it recently announced its discovery of the nasty-sounding, but apparently not particularly dangerous, “Blackhole RAT,” a Trojan aimed at Macs. (Sophos offers a free anti-virus program for Mac home users: http://www.sophos.com/products/free-tools/free-mac-anti-virus/.)
It’s very important to protect your computer from malware, but, surprisingly, it probably isn’t necessary to spend money because you can find a free computer speed-up program out there.
“If I were a Mac user, I probably wouldn't buy AV (anti-virus software) right now,” explains McMillan. “But then I wouldn't pay for it on my PC either. The anti-virus industry's dirty little secret is that you really don't need to buy AV any more, especially if you avoid risky behavior online. Avoiding open Wi-Fi, risky sites and questionable documents, keeping your software patched, and using free AV such as Microsoft's OneCare (http://www.microsoft.com/mscorp/safety/technologies/onecare/default.mspx) or AVG (http://free.avg.com/us-en/homepage) will do a lot to keep you secure.” Learning how to make your computer fast doesn’t have to cost you a lot of cash.
There are a number of other highly regarded free sources of protection (see Neil Rubenking’s detailed article above); many of them also offer maintenance utilities which will help make the computer faster and keep it running smoothly on other fronts.
Linux machines are currently the safest of the three major operating systems. But there is malware out there that affects Linux and could have you searching for ways to make your computer run faster. However, while experts don't all agree, many discount the likely harm of widespread damage from Linux malware.
Individual users, however, may be able to cause damage to their own systems, a point worth noting since many Netbooks shipped to newbies came equipped with various flavors of Linux (Red Hat, Fedora, Ubuntu). “It's possible for someone brand-new to Linux to work hard to overcome various built-in system protections, fetch off the Internet a program written to hurt Linux systems, run it with root-user ('God'-user) authority, and thereby damage or subvert the system so it needs to be shut down and rebuilt,” says senior system administrator and well-known Linux expert Rick Moen. However, “There are features throughout the system to discourage such actions.”
It certainly is possible that some day as Linux gets more popular among consumers, hackers will be more interested in writing malicious code directed at it, but it may not be aimed at laptops or desktops. Even today Linux—long regarded as a programmer's language and not really for the average user—is the engine inside many incredibly popular consumer appliances, not just computers.
“Every single TiVo has a full-blown Linux computer under the hood,” says Moen. “Ditto many smartphones, many PDAs, most residential Wi-Fi gateway routers, and even IBM's Watson supercomputer that just won the Jeopardy playoff. Somehow, one never hears that regular users will never be able to figure out a TiVo—but then, many of the most ubiquitous Linux devices, such as TiVos, get perceived as somehow not even being computers at all.”
While there are lots of free resources for preventing malware, that won’t make you feel much better if you’re already infected and battling time-consuming popups, browser hijacks, or worse. At that point you just want to know how to speed up your computer.
The Microsoft Malware Protection center offers tools for determining if you're infected, and a 24-hour hotline for security and virus issues: 1-866-PCSafety (1-866-727-2338) or you can visit the Web site at http://www.microsoft.com/security/portal/. Clearing these issues up can definitely make a computer run faster.
There are also a number of free online forums moderated by experts, which can help you diagnose and treat your problem. Spyware Info Forum (http://www.spywareinfoforum.com/) and the LandzDown forum (http://www.landzdown.com/) are good places to start.
While getting rid of malware and doing some computer housekeeping may provide some slow computer fixes, that’s not all you’ll need to do to speed up your PC, Mac or Linux computer. You can also learn how to make your computer faster by adjusting some hardware issues.
Increase Your Memory
One of the simplest and most effective ways to get a faster computer, particularly if it's a bit older and has less than two gigabytes of RAM, is simply to add more. When learning how to speed up your computer, “Spend your money on memory,” says Robert McMillan.
RAM (random access memory) is what your computer uses to read and write data—to follow your instructions and make your programs run. If you want to learn how to increase computer speed, you’ll need enough RAM. When you don't have enough RAM for the task at hand, the computer is forced to do what's called “paging”—essentially borrowing memory from your hard drive. This borrowed memory is much slower than RAM memory, and the process used to access it can slow your computer to a crawl.
If you have less than two gigabytes of RAM, adding RAM will likely significantly speed up a slow PC or Mac. If you already have two gigabytes or more of RAM, additional memory may improve performance for memory-intensive tasks and programs (like video editing, gaming or using PhotoShop); however, you may not see dramatic improvement in day-to-day tasks like web surfing or word processing.
You can't just add any memory chip to your computer. If you want to know how to make your computer run faster, the RAM you add must be compatible with what you are already using, and it must fit the slot available. There are many different types of RAM depending on the age, OS and hardware you're using. Memory seller Crucial (www.crucial.com) offers a simple free tool that will scan your system to let you know what kind of memory to buy, how much you can add to your system and how many slots are available. You can then buy the RAM directly from Crucial, or shop around. NewEgg and Frys.com offer discounted RAM from quality suppliers.
When figuring out how to speed up a slow computer, it is important to buy and use high-quality RAM—look for brands like Hynix, Samsung, Nanya, Micron, Crucial and Kingston. If you have a Mac, you probably already know that RAM is very high-priced when bought through Apple. Mac RAM Direct (www.macramdirect.com) offers the same premium RAM from the same suppliers (Apple doesn't manufacture its own RAM), usually at a significant discount, and it comes with a lifetime replacement warranty. In many cases, the RAM you buy here for older Macs will make your computer run faster than the RAM that came from Apple originally.
Installing RAM can be a very simple process even for the technologically impaired, and there are many guides out there. However, some computers (smaller laptops, usually) have RAM tucked away in inaccessible places, making installation too intimidating for a newbie.
Apple offers detailed instructions on its Web site (e.g. this is a tutorial for the MacBook: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1651) for upgrading RAM (even for old iBooks and Powerbooks) to make a computer run faster. Simply search in the Apple support forums for your make and model. The extensive site Macrumors (http://guides.macrumors.com/Buying_RAM) also offers detailed computer tips and guides to buying, installing and testing RAM.
If you’re learning how to make a PC run faster by adding RAM, PCWorld has a nice straightforward tutorial (http://www.pcworld.com/article/157676/how_to_upgrade_your_ram.html) for upgrading RAM in a desktop. Always remember to work safely—your computer must be turned off and battery removed (if it is a laptop) before attempting any upgrade.
Are you more concerned with how to make your Internet faster rather than your actual computer? To make the Internet faster, a good place to start is a basic bandwidth speed test: Check out services like this one at McAfee: http://us.mcafee.com/root/speedometer/default.asp. (Be careful to use a trusted source for this kind of testing—bogus bandwidth testing sites are also frequent lurking places for scareware.) If you're paying for high-speed Internet and bandwidth tests show you’re not getting it consistently, using these tricks to speed up a computer won't help. Call your Internet provider to complain and ask, “How to make my Internet faster.”
Tips on Malware
When learning how to make a computer run faster, it is advisable to install a quality anti-virus or anti-spyware program from a trusted (and free, ideally) source; however, more is not better. If more than one such real-time program is installed on your computer, you may generate conflicts rather than create a computer speed-up solution. Choose a single quality program and keep it up to date. Keep your system updated as well.
If you’re asking, “How to make my computer faster?” know that prevention is always best. Experts advise that p2p (peer-to-peer) networks are notoriously risky when it comes to malware, as are open Wi-Fi connections. Files with .EXE, .DOC, .PDF are also more likely to be dangerous—in general it's best not to open any attachment you receive online, even from a friend, unless you are expecting it. Robert McMillan wrote a great article in PCWorld (http://www.pcworld.com/article/201309/security_secrets_the_bad_guys_dont_want_you_to_know.html) for advanced users detailing some advanced protection tactics that will help you remember how to speed up a computer. Don’t worry; you’re not being paranoid. They are out to get you.
9 Stand-Out Real Estate Themes for WordPress
On the one hand, the demand for real estate themes and plugins has encouraged innovation among developers and they’re coming up with some pretty neat tools for agents to use when managing their properties online. On the other hand, you want to make sure that your website stands out from the crowd of similarly-themed websites so that you can attract clients and impress them with your marketing skills and web savvy. For an agent, a good website shows potential clients that they have 21st century skills and can do what it takes to sell a home in this tough market.
So, in answer to his question I rounded up a list of the top WordPress themes for building a real estate website that is sure to stand out in a crowd and help you—and your listings—get noticed.
WP Pro Real Estate
WP Pro Real Estate is a clean and simple WordPress theme. According to the designer, the theme is simple to get up and running, while still allowing for complete customization through an admin panel. Wp Pro’s special features include: dynamic image resizing, built-in Google Maps, jQuery Gallery Slider for photos, custom write post panel with real estate focused custom fields already added for price, location, etc. Read up for more info about the WP-Pro Real Estate theme.
Real Estate Gold for WordPress
The Real Estate Gold WordPress theme uses a drak background to showcase listings and make your photos pop. It’s a style not often seen among real estate websites and may be a good way to stand out from the crowd. The theme comes with built-in basic real estate listing filtering for location, number of bedrooms, price range, etc. Admin extras include customization options for colors and logo set-up, pre-set custom fields for listings and a readymade contact form. Check Real Estate Gold out on themeforest.
Homeowner Real Estate Theme
The Homeowner Real Estate Theme offers 12 different styles each optimized for faster page loads. The theme includes Google maps integration with street view, custom scripts to make it easier to modify listings, a built-in photo gallery with light box effects and account management features for individual agents. Single Agent pages, the ability to control agent access, and compatibility with WordPress 3.0′s multisite features make this a good theme choice for Real Estate agencies that need to manage a multi-agent website. View more details about the Homeowner theme.
Real Agent Theme
The Real Agent Theme is another stand-out design. It’s grid-based layout is ideal for real estate websites that want the main focus to be on listings. The homepage shows off recent listings and offers a multi-Category search function that also filters by price, location and features. Additional options include easy photo gallery management with drag-drop sorting of images, Google maps with street view for close-up views on any property. The theme offers 5 color styles and several different page layouts. Visit Gorilla Themes for more details about Real Agent.
RealtorPress is an “out of the box” real estate website solution for both individual realtors and real estate companies. Designed for ease of use, the theme makes it easy to add or import your real estate property list. The layout includes space for listings, blog posts, quick or advanced search options, featured listings, welcome message for the home page and several widgetized areas for agents to customize. The default theme has 10 color styles. Website owners that want to create a portal can do so by accepting free or paid property listings from users, as well as allowing users to create agent profiles on the site. Try the demo and get the details about RealtorPress.
AgentPress Theme from StudioPress
AgentPress includes multiple page templates that can be used to create a complete real estate website from a WordPress installation. From single property templates to a custom homepage, the theme is a good solution for real estate agents that want to spend more time with their clients than with their website. Built on the popular Genesis Framework from StudioPress, the theme includes search engine optimization features, secure code, and lots of customization options. If you’re the type of real estate agent that does like to dig into the code a bit, you can take advantage of the active users forum, detailed tutorials and unlimited support. Take a look at what AgentPress has to offer.
Estate by Woo Themes
Estate is jam-packed theme with unique features design especially for a real estate website. Take advantage of advanced search that filters by property type, price, number of bedrooms, etc; a featured slider to showcase noteworthy properties; custom post types to separate properties from blog posts; multiple layout choices; Google maps; and prominent styling for “On Show” properties, which I assume is the same as Open House. Estate also includes all of the standard WooThemes features: admin panel for uploading your logo and adding analytics tracking information, auto-sizing for thumbnails and custom page templates. Visit WooThemes to learn more about Estate.
Elegant Estate for WordPress
Elegant Estate is an affordable way to turn any WordPress blog into a full-feature real estate portal. In addition to intuitive browsing for your clients, the theme also makes it easy for agents with a write panel and listings template that integrates property info, photos with automated thumbnails, Google maps and more. The admin panel also offers five color choices and an advertising panel that can be used to showcase featured listings or partnerships. Get further details about Elegant Estate.
Real Estate by Templatic
The Real Estate Theme from Templatic is a slick choice for agencies or anyone who wants to create a real estate portal website. The strategically-built site includes the ability to let agents sign up for accounts, pay to showcase listings and maintain public profile pages. Each listing offers Google maps and image slideshows automatically. The admin area offers standard customization options such as five color schemes, logo set-up, layout options for the home page and more. Visit Templatic to see the Real Estate Theme in action.
4 Reasons You Should Add Photos or Illustrations to Every Blog Post
Online or offline, people constantly come across content and make a split-second decision about whether to stay or go. Often, the decision is made before the content is even assessed. It’s a sub-concious decision to leave based purely on looks.
Your visitors are no different. When readers arrive at your website, they have a choice: continue reading or hit the back button. Their decision will be based, in large part, on how your content looks. You can make it inviting and pleasant, or you can make it just about as appealing as the innards of the phone book. The only difference? Images.
Images, photos, illustrations, or other graphics — are often the first thing visitors look at. If the image is compelling, visitors stay to check out the text. If the image is poor quality or unappealing — or non-existent! — visitors leave. It’s really that simple.
Here are some ways effectively using images enhances your blog:
1. Use images to break up long passages of text. Facing a page of black-and-white text is daunting. Images can give the eye a place to rest, breaking up the flow of an otherwise monotonous page.
2. Use images pull the viewer into the text. Since people look at them first, images provide a starting point for the rest of the blog post. Good images are like flashing arrows that say, “START HERE.”
3. Images are an effective way to introduce your blog topic. Picking an appropriate, related image gives the reader an idea of what to expect from the post. For instance, a photo of a street sign that says “Bumpy Road Ahead” lets the reader know that the post is about challenges or change.
4. Use photos and illustrations to reinforce your post’s content. A diagram, graphic, or other image can further illustrate the post’s content. A flow chart of a sales funnel, for instance, gives you another way to explain the concepts you’re presenting.
A picture, some say, is worth a thousand words. Don’t neglect this opportunity to say in images what you can never say with words. Photos and illustrations add depth to your conversation, and can make a dull blog post feel active and alive.
What do you think? Do you use pictures, illustrations and photos in your blog posts? Why or why not?
Social Media,
Tutorials To Convert Mp4 to Mp3

- MP3 (MPEG-1, Layer 3): MP3s are small, high quality audio files that can be played on MP3 players or software. An MP3 can be easily created using a home computer, a ripper program that copies a song from a CD to your computer, and an encoder that converts your music to MP3 format.
- MP4 (MPEG4 Part 14): Mp4 is used for audio and video. This file type enables for high quality streaming over the internet and next generation cell phones - making Mp4 players a hot item - and can be downloaded online at sites like MP4advanced, which I strongly recommend. Mp4 players are available for download online. There are 2 main types of MP4 files. The first type is called Simple Profile, which is used for low resolution digital video content, popularly used for online distribution. The second version is called Advanced Video Coding , which is a higher quality format used for HDTV content.
So in basic terms, MP3 is for audio files used on MP3 players and software, and MP4 is for audio/video files used for internet streaming and high tech cell phones.
Free WordPress Plugins and Add-ons to Promote Your Blog On Autopilot
Here’s a guide to some of the best WordPress plugins for automating your blog promotion tasks without spending a lot of money.
Plugins and Badges to Promote Your Blog on Twitter
In case you haven’t heard, Twitter is huge! As a blog owner, you really want to take advantage of that fact. Thankfully there are a huge number of free WordPress addons that’ll help you to do that.
For most of these plugins remember that you’re going to first need your own Twitter account at — build some followers by connecting with others in your niche, tweeting any of their posts that you find interesting, and replying to your followers to build relationships.
Tweet This
Instead of manually tweeting a link to your new blog posts — which is time consuming — plugins like Tweet This will automatically send the link to your Twitter followers. You’ll need to follow the instructions to set yourself up with your own Twitter application code but, once you have, this really is set and forget!
TweetMeme Button
The TweetMeme plugin lets your followers do your blog promotion for you. It adds an eye-catching tweet button in a prominent location at the top of every blog post, letting your readers share the link with friends if they find it interesting.
Tweet Old Post
Don’t leave your old posts out of your Twitter promotion plan — especially if you write about evergreen topics! Tweet Old Post is a plugin that makes it super easy to set up random tweets with links to your old posts at the interval you choose. You can also add tags to your tweets and exclude certain categories if you don’t want to tweet them out to your followers.
Promote Your RSS Feed for Extra Blog Traffic
Every blog comes with an RSS feed — this is simply a way to deliver your blog to people who want to keep up with what’s new. The more people you can get to subscribe to your RSS feed, the more traffic your blog should get.
Feedburner is the popular Google-run service used by bloggers who want more stats on who is reading their RSS feed and how many subscribers they have. This isn’t a plugin, simply sign up and paste your blog URL in to instantly “burn” your feed. It’s simple and it’s well worth it! FeedBurner also provide all the buttons you need to promote your feed on your blog.
Plugins to Promote Your Blog on Facebook
Facebook has now become one of the most popular and most visited websites in the world, so it’s important to make sure you make use of this method of promotion! Here are some recommended WordPress addons for helping you to do that.
Simple Facebook Connect
When you create a Facebook page, Facebook will provide you with a number of ways to get people to “like” your page, including a simple button or a box that shows the faces of a selection of other people who like the page. Simple Facebook Connect provides a better way to integrate your blog with your Facebook page by automatically sending posts to your fan page, adding Like buttons, and letting people register or login using their Facebook credentials. This article goes into more detail about why I chose Simple Facebook Connect for my blogs.
The Socialize plugin isn’t just great for Facebook, it can add links to a whole range of other services such as Digg, Twitter, StumbleUpon, LinkedIn and more! It’s well worth having as it’ll help you place convenient “like” buttons on the top of the post, and an extra box at the end of each post encouraging your readers to share it. When it comes to WordPress plugins for social media promotion, this one really does do a lot for your blog!
The good news is that you don’t even have to create a fan page for your site in order to have visitors “like” or “share” the page with their friends. There really is no excuse for not using a plugin that allows them to do so!
All of the WordPress addons mentioned in this article are completely free and, once set up, do all the hard work for you! So get going and install them on your blog — open it up to some new methods of promotion today. Do you use any free WordPress plugins for automated blog promotion? What about other social media badges? Share your tips below and we’ll go over paid plugins in a future article.
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