
Aug 10, 2011

Collect & Embed Videos From 6 Popular Sites Into One Player

There are multiple video sharing sites that let you upload and share just about any kind of video content but when you’re more interested in sharing videos already available online but on different sites, you end up sharing several links. Yokto is a web service that allows you to create a video playlist or channel by adding videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Daily Motion, Brightcove, UStream and slideshows from Slide Share. The service generates an embed code that allows you to share the video on your website, viewers can see a complete list of videos that you’ve added and view them all in a single player.
Create Station Yokto
The service has both a paid and a free version, you have to register to use the free version. The free version allows you add videos from any of the six supported sites whereas the paid version allows you to add videos by directly uploading them from your computer. Creating a video mash up is spread out over five simple steps that start out with creating and naming the player i.e. the video mash up.
Add Content Yokto
You can search and add videos directly  from the service. Once you’ve created a player, you can proceed to add media. Select which site you want to search and enter a keyword or phrase. All possible matches will be listed and you can view videos in the service. If you like a video, click the Add Video button and it will be added to your playlist. Click Organize Media when you’re done to view how many video you’ve added. To remove a video, simply drag & drop it to trash.
yokto layout
Click Manage Player to select a layout of how your videos will be listed along with the player. You can preview the layout below to see how your player will appear. You can set the the player to Autoplay by checking the box. This will auto play the player whenever anyone visits your page. Click Embed Code to get the embed code. Viewers will have to manually click on one of the video thumbnails to play the, as videos in the list do not play sequentially.
Copy and paste the code to wherever you want the video to appear on your site. You can create as many players as you want and edit an existing player. The site promises support for more sites in the near future.
Visit Yokto
[via TheNextWeb]


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